Kimberly Robinson
Insurance Coordinator
Kim is a native to Frederick County, and grew up in Burkittsville. She currently lives in Frederick with her husband, son and 2 cats. She is a certified billing specialist that has worked in the medical billing industry for 18 years. In that time, she grew tired of the Western Medicine approach to helping patients and the financial burden those practices left on their patients. As a person with fibromyalgia herself, Kim understands the financial burden conventional medicine can be when treating an unconventional disorder. This is why she is happy to be working for HHA, which utilizes a holistic approach to patient treatment that is not invasive or burdensome in any way for patients.
In her spare time, Kim enjoys spending time with friends and family. She finds ways to escape any time possible, and enjoys the calming effects the waves bring her. She loves all animals and visiting as many zoo's as possible, especially the baby otters.